Handwashing and Other Preventative Measures for Flu and Cold This Winter

Handwashing and Other Preventative Measures for Flu and Cold This Winter

Winter brings warmth, closeness, and increased exposure to other people. This puts people at an increased risk of contracting colds and flu during the seasonal shift. Handwashing and other preventative measures are often recommended to reduce our likelihood for flu and cold. But how much of this information is hype, and how effective are these […]

Cold vs Flu: How to Tell the Difference and When to Seek Help

Cold vs Flu: How to Tell the Difference and When to Seek Help

It’s cold and flu season again. While we usually interchange those two terms in conversation, they are two diseases caused by different pathogens. Several influenza viruses cause the flu, including Rhinoviruses and Parainfluenza viruses. There’s only one virus causing flu infection, but three versions of it, A, B, and C, that infect humans (D only […]

The Importance of Early Treatment for Winter Illnesses

The Importance of Early Treatment for Winter Illnesses

Winter is a time that many people might fondly associate with colder temperatures and comfort foods. However, winter can also be a time for an increased risk for certain typical winter-time diseases. The risk of bronchitis, pneumonia, or severe flu can increase during winter. Early treatment for winter illnesses is considered much safer than treating […]

Flu Cases on the Rise in Omaha: How Urgent Care Can Help You Stay Healthy

Flu Cases on the Rise in Omaha: How Urgent Care Can Help You Stay Healthy

Once the chill of fall sets in, we all know what comes next: flu season. According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), flu cases are on the rise in some parts of the United States, including Omaha. While you can’t completely stop the virus from circulating, there are ways to protect yourself […]

Can a Sinus Infection Cause Pink Eye?

Can a Sinus Infection Cause Pink Eye?

Sinus infections are a common, sometimes chronic health condition. They are caused by a bacterial infection that enters through the sinus cavities. The symptoms of a sinus infection can resemble that of the common cold or flu. Sinus infections are common during flu pandemics or certain seasons. However, can sinus infections cause pink eye? Here’s […]

Tips for Managing Chronic Conditions

Living with a chronic medical condition can be challenging and requires a combination of dedication, awareness, knowledge, and proactive measures. Managing chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and asthma calls for continuous care and lifestyle adjustments. Here are a few tips to help you in self-managing chronic conditions effectively and avoid […]

How to Stay Healthy During the Summer?

How to Stay Healthy During the Summer?

With summer comes sun rays, days at the beach, and lots of fun. While basking in the sun’s glory and enjoying the warm weather, it’s super important to protect our health. Maintaining optimal health in the summer isn’t just about spending hours at the gym and dieting. It’s about taking care of your body and […]

Prevent Injury and Illness During Storm Cleanup

Prevent Injury and Illness During Storm Cleanup

Storms can cause extensive damage, which requires careful cleanup. Unfortunately, storms have many potential dangers – like injury and illness or infection. During storm cleanup, it is vital that you take the necessary precautions to stay safe. Use this helpful guide to prevent injury and illness during storm cleanup. Prevent Injury and Illness During Storm […]

How Long is Norovirus Contagious?

How Long is Norovirus Contagious?

Norovirus is a blanket term for a group of diseases that are more commonly referred to as the “winter vomiting bug” due to its symptoms and the time it’s known to occur. It’s often confused with the common stomach bug and can even carry common symptoms with the flu. Norovirus infection is highly contagious, and […]