Flu Cases on the Rise in Omaha: How Urgent Care Can Help You Stay Healthy

Once the chill of fall sets in, we all know what comes next: flu season. According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), flu cases are on the rise in some parts of the United States, including Omaha. While you can’t completely stop the virus from circulating, there are ways to protect yourself […]
Cold and Flu Season Essentials

You might have been so busy defending your loved ones and yourself against the COVID 19 pandemic, that you may have forgotten the old enemies of traditional flu and colds. It’s important to recognize that these are different from COVID and so is the treatment. The purpose of this article is not to dispense medical […]
Vaccines Overview

Vaccine development is one of the most important medical advancements in history. Thanks to vaccines, some of the most debilitating diseases have been eradicated or brought under control. Smallpox has been eradicated and wild polio has almost been eliminated. As a result, people all over the world look forward to a brighter future. Many preventable […]
Rapid Covid-19 Testing

Urgent Care Omaha clinics offer two types of Rapid Covid-19 testing, including the rapid Sofia SARS Antigen FIA test. This test is a Point of Care (POC) test that can deliver results within 15 minutes.
Flu Vaccine FAQs

The flu vaccine is a type of vaccine that can help reduce the likelihood of a person catching the flu. This is an extremely important consideration for anyone who wants to protect themselves and their communities during influenza season. In this post, we’re going to take a look at flu vaccine FAQ’s and answer the […]
How To Keep Your Kids Flu-Free This Fall?

With the world in fear of germs and contamination right now, not many people are thinking about the upcoming flu season. It is important to find ways to keep you and your kids flu-free during the pending fall season. There are a few methods that are effective in helping children and adults alike to fend […]
Common Kid’s Illnesses Treated At Urgent Care Omaha

Nothing is more overwhelming than trying to help a sick child. Whether it’s a common illness or a physical pain, when your child is hurting, it’s all you can think about. Kid’s illnesses and injuries are common as your child explores and grows. However, there are some common reasons your child might end up in […]
Preventing Anemia

Anemia is a condition in which you lack enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your body’s tissues. It is a common medical condition that gets diagnosed several thousand cases per year. If you’ve been feeling weak and fatigued and you manifest with other nutritional issues, it could point to anemia. Once diagnosed, anemia […]
Winter Illnesses Children Can Catch

Winter is a time that most people associate with things like hot chocolate, soup, and sometimes snow. When winter rolls around, a lot of parents also associate the season with coughs, strep throat, and stomach flu as the common winter illnesses that their children are more than likely going to catch. Therefore, seasonal outbreaks are […]
Tips Helping Kids Avoid Flu This Fall

It’s that time of the year. Flu season is upon us! Every parent dreads their child getting sick and everything that goes along with it. This includes, not eating or sleeping well, missing days of school, and parents missing work. It may even require a visit to the doctor for medical attention. Here are some […]