Should I Go to Work If I Have a Sore Throat?

Should I Go to Work If I Have a Sore Throat?

After the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of people all over the world are giving their health a second thought. A cough isn’t just a cough anymore, and a sneeze in public can get you more than a couple of nasty looks if you didn’t cover up. If you have a sore throat, in most cases it […]

Acetaminophen vs Ibuprofen

Acetaminophen Vs Ibuprofen

Acetaminophen vs Ibuprofen or, what’s more commonly known as, Tylenol and Advil. Whether it’s a headache, a dull leg pain, or soreness the day after a strenuous workout, many of us will reach for one or the other. But what’s really the difference between Acetaminophen vs Ibuprofen? Is there a lesser evil? Let’s find out […]

Sinusitis Signs & Symptoms

Sinusitis Signs & Symptoms

Sinusitis is a common health condition that affects between 15 to 30% of the world’s population. Unfortunately, It also commonly gets mistaken for other conditions such as colds or the flu. Acute and chronic sinusitis both have signs and symptoms that might feel similar to the flu, but with a handful of different symptoms that […]

Common Kid’s Illnesses Treated At Urgent Care Omaha

Common Kid's Illnesses Treated At Urgent Care in Omaha

Nothing is more overwhelming than trying to help a sick child. Whether it’s a common illness or a physical pain, when your child is hurting, it’s all you can think about. Kid’s illnesses and injuries are common as your child explores and grows. However, there are some common reasons your child might end up in […]

Whooping Cough Pertussis

Whooping Cough Pertussis

Whooping cough is an infectious bacterial disease that causes uncontrollable coughing. The name comes from the noise you make when you take a breath after you cough. You may have choking spells or may cough so hard that you vomit. Anyone can get whooping cough, but it is more common in infants and children. It’s […]

Tuberculosis Testing and Treatments

Tuberculosis Testing and Treatments

Tuberculosis (TB) is a worldwide health issue. The World Heath Organization estimated over 10 million new cases of TB in 2018 alone. While TB is treatable with antibiotics the associated mortality was still more than 1.5 million in 2018. The prevalence of TB is much higher in developing counties. South East Asia and Sub Saharan […]

Winter Illnesses Children Can Catch

Winter Illnesses Children Can Catch

Winter is a time that most people associate with things like hot chocolate, soup, and sometimes snow. When winter rolls around, a lot of parents also associate the season with coughs, strep throat, and stomach flu as the common winter illnesses that their children are more than likely going to catch. Therefore, seasonal outbreaks are […]

Is Strep Throat Contagious?

Is Strep Throat Contagious? | Urgent Care Omaha & Bellevue, Nebraska

Strep throat can be contagious for about 2-3 weeks in individuals who are not taking antibiotics. However, individuals who do take antibiotics for strep throat usually are no longer contagious about 24- 48 hours after initiating antibiotic therapy. The bacteria that cause strep throat can be transmitted person-to-person by direct contact, especially from mucus droplets from the mouth and indirect contact, […]

Common Cold Symptoms

Common Cold Symptoms | Urgent Care Omaha & Bellevue NE

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The common cold is primarily caused by a virus.  Viruses exist in hundreds of forms; however, most cause similar cold symptoms.  Due to the ability of viruses to evolve at a rapid rate, they are constantly changing.  This tricks our immune system and doesn’t allow us to build up resistance to all forms of viruses.  […]

Influenza Outbreaks Are Increasing

Influenza Outbreaks Are Increasing | Urgent Care Omaha & Bellevue, NE

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]This year’s influenza outbreak is more intense than any since the 2009 swine flu pandemic, and is still getting worse. New numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveal what so many have suspected: This is the worst flu season in nearly a decade. This season is now on track to equal or surpass […]